A Middle-Aged Man: A Story of Health and Wellness

Have you ever heard of a man who's overweight, losing hair, experiencing skin conditions, joint pain, digestion issues, diarrhea, depression, sleep problems, decreased interest in sex, and suffering from both diabetes and heart disease? Unfortunately, this scenario is all too common for many of us.

But there's a twist to this story. The man in question is actually a gorilla living in a zoo.

Yes, you read that right. Gorillas, despite not being human, share a striking metabolic and biological similarity with us. And that's why their story is relevant to us.

Scientists, researchers, veterinarians, and zookeepers were baffled when they noticed that captive gorillas in zoos were experiencing health problems and dying earlier than their wild counterparts. They set out to find the root cause of this phenomenon.

It turns out that the captive gorillas were not eating a diet that was natural to them. Instead, they were fed biscuits with added vitamins and minerals, which were far from what they ate in the wild. And, to make matters worse, their living conditions were also far from natural. They were housed in concrete cells, often under artificial light and with little space to move around.

The good news is that with some changes, the gorillas' health improved significantly. The zookeepers altered their diets, giving them more fruits and vegetables similar to what they ate in the wild. They also created environments that were closer to nature, where the gorillas could move around and exercise more. The artificial lighting was turned off at night, and the gorillas were finally able to live a life that was more natural.

So, what does this mean for us humans? The story of the captive gorillas highlights the importance of making healthy changes in our lives. If we're not sleeping well, eating well, or getting enough exercise, we too may be suffering from obesity and other related disorders. By making changes to our lifestyles, we too can improve our health and live life to the fullest.

In conclusion, John Durant's book “The Paleo Manifesto” is a fascinating read and delves deeper into this story and its implications. If you're interested in learning more about health and wellness, it's definitely worth a read.