The Spiritual Battle for America's Soul

America was founded on the principles of sovereignty, liberty, and freedom, based on natural law and God-fearing values as expressed in the Constitution. The founding fathers envisioned a nation where every individual could exercise their inalienable rights without fear of government or corporate interference.

The America of Yesterday

The America of yesterday was a place where people could live free from oppression and pursue their dreams. The founding fathers aimed to build a country based on principles of faith and freedom, enshrined in the Constitution. This is the true essence of America, a place where everyone could live their lives to the fullest.

The America of Today

However, today's America is vastly different from the America of yesterday. The country has entered a corporatist stage and is now subject to the whims of corporate power. Money and special interests dominate the American political process, making it toxic. The two-party system limits options and prevents change, and the democracy has been hijacked by large corporations that prioritize profits over people. The same can be said of government agencies, which exist to serve their corporate donors, rather than the people they were created to serve.

The American Dream: Lost

As a result of this corruption, the American Dream has died. America has allowed corruption to run rampant for far too long, and it is now literally killing society. The country we live in today is unrecognizable to the founding fathers and is a foreign land for many Americans. It's easy to lose faith in our country when we realize how far we've strayed from our founding principles to accommodate corporate interests.

A Spiritual Crisis

This crisis is not just political, but spiritual in nature. Each of us must choose our “master” – our government or our Creator. This is similar to the messages of faith leaders such as Jesus, Abraham, and Muhammad. The founding fathers of America also believed in these principles and fought to establish a country based on them.

In conclusion, the real America is not the corporate structure of the United States, but a nation founded on natural law and the principles of sovereignty, liberty, and freedom. We must remember this and strive to return to these principles if we hope to reclaim the America of yesterday and restore the American Dream.